
Please register using the registration page at

Please find the registration fees for COMMA24 below. The early registration deadline is August 15, 2024, and the late registration deadline is September 8, 2024.

early late on-site
COMMA (regular) 400,00€ 500,00€ 600,00€
COMMA (student) 300,00€ 350,00€ 400,00€
Workshop (when attending COMMA) 100,00€ 150,00€ 200,00€
Workshop (without attending COMMA) 150,00€ 200,00€ 250,00€
SSA 350,00€ 400,00€ 450,00€
Extra ticket for dinner 90,00€
Printed proceedings 115,00€

A limited number of student grants for participating in COMMA 2024 are available. The grants consist of a fixed amount of 500 € that can be used to support travel costs and/or registration fees. In order to be eligible to receive a grant, the applicant must be a student with an accepted paper at the main conference and lacking sufficient funding. If the number of eligible applications exceeds the number of available grants, grant recipients will be chosen by drawing lots.

To apply for a student grant, please send your application (max. 1 page, PDF) via e-mail to Matthias Thimm ( by June 24, 2024.